Schools and Programs » School Based Health Center - Coast Community Health

School Based Health Center - Coast Community Health



Brookings Harbor School District
Planned opening November 2022 – Location: CCH trailer in high school parking area.
Please return the optional registration forms to your school office.


What is a School-Based Student Health Center?

A School-Based Health Center is much more than the traditional school nurse’s office. It is a medical facility located in the school that offers many health and medical services like your doctor’s office (see list below). We do not replace your primary doctor, and all of our services are provided at one of the participating schools. The Student Health Centers are operated by Coast Community Health Center through an agreement with Brookings Harbor School District.


Who works at the Student Health Center?

Our staff includes Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP), who can treat most health problems and prescribe medications, registered nurse (RN), medical assistants (MA), and support staff. Mental health counseling and/or referrals to mental health/drug and alcohol services are also available. All staff are supervised by and have support of the Coast Community Health Center physicians and Chief Medical Officer.


What services are offered?

We can take care of most of your student’s health care needs. If there is an emergency or service we do not provide, we contact 911 or will make a referral to another health care provider. When the health center is not open or staff is unavailable, school personnel will follow school guidelines for all emergency situations.


v  Wellness and how to maintain it for a lifetime

v  Nutrition education and weight management

v  Physical examinations, routine, and sports

v  Diagnosis and treatment of minor illness

v  Mental health services and counseling

v  Dental screening

v  Referrals to other health care providers

v  Vision and blood pressure screening

v  Immunizations and flu shot

v  Assessment of health strengths and challenges

v  Tests such as anemia, diabetes, and infection


What about costs and billing?

Coast Community School Based Health Center wants to provide health care for all students who need it. Many of our services are provided at no charge; however, there are some services that we provide that require an exam and medical action that may result in a charge. No student will be turned away due to inability to pay. Examples of some of these services include:


Sore Throat                                                 Pink eye

Ear pain                                                        Abdominal pain

Cough                                                           Foreign body in eye

UTI symptoms                                           Follow-up visits

Sprain/fracture                                         Well Child checks

Head injury                                                 Immunizations

If a visit does result in a charge, we will bill your insurance for you, including the Oregon Health Plan. We also offer a sliding discount program which is based on your family size and income. Anyone can apply for this program even if you have insurance. We encourage all families to complete an application. An office visit summary will be sent home after a billable service is provided.


What about parental consent?

At the health center we require parental/guardian signed consent for a student to use our services.

*We support and encourage parental involvement in decisions about your student’s health care.


What about confidentiality?

Our health services and records are private and confidential. Health records will not become a part of your student’s school record and will only be used by health center staff unless you give us written permission to share information.


Like other health care providers, the Student Health Center follows the guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). HIPAA regulates how medical information may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. We are required to give you a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices and have you sign the Acknowledgment and Consent which is included in the packet.


Students will be encouraged to discuss visits with their parents; however, confidentiality will be provided at the student's request. Oregon State Law (ORS 109.610, ORS 109.640, and ORS 109.675) requires strict confidentiality regarding evaluation, diagnosis and/or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, sexuality issues, pregnancy testing or mental health services.


What about appointments?

Appointments are encouraged whenever possible. A parent may call and make an appointment, or your student is welcome to come by and schedule an appointment. Hours will be posted on the clinic door and in the school bulletin.

School Based Health Center trailer - Located in the gated parking area of Brookings-Harbor High School.