Schools and Programs » Special Programs

Special Programs

Special Education

In the Brookings-Harbor School District, Special Education programs include:
  • School Psychology
  • Speech Language Pathology (SLP) Services
  • Occupational Therapy (OT) Services
  • Physical Therapy (PT) Services
  • Autism Services
  • Extended School Year (ESY) Services
  • Behavior Support Services

Building Foundations for Success!

  • All students are general education students first.
  • We support inclusion with peers without disabilities.
  • We build strong relationships.
  • We make evidence-based decisions.
  • We deliver high-quality instruction and supports.
  • We implement practices compliant with IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act).
  • We collaborate and use open communication.

Special Education and Section 504 Child Find Notice

Brookings Harbor 17C has a duty to locate, evaluate and identify any child residing in the District who qualifies for Special Education services or any child attending the public schools who may require Section 504 accommodations or services.

If you suspect your child has a disability and may need special education services or 504 accommodations, or if you would like additional information, please contact your child’s teacher, or call the Special Programs Department at 541-412-1488.

Special Education Restraint & Seclusion Notice

A report of Brookings Harbor 17C restraint and seclusion incidents for 2023-24 is not available in a public report, due to FERPA. Specifically, the number of incidents was too close to zero, and releasing information could violate privacy rules.


Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records

In accordance with Public Law 105-17 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: the Brookings-Harbor School District will destroy special education records that are no longer needed for the provision of special education services. Specifically selected records of former special education students, those referred for evaluation or those who have exited the program (5 years ago) will be destroyed. The school corporation will maintain only directory information including the students name, last known address and phone number, classes attended, attendance record, grade completed and year completed. Records which will be destroyed include test protocols and written reports, individualized education plans, individualized transition plans, and other educational documents relevant to providing the student a free appropriate public education during the time the student attended school. Please note that some information to be destroyed may be needed by the student in order to substantiate claims for social security and other benefits. All former students who participated in special programs in the Brookings Harbor School District and meet the age criteria noted above or the legal guardians of former students who would like to retain these educational records should contact the office of Special Programs at 541-412-1488 prior to the five-year deadline.


Additional Special Programs in Brookings-Harbor School District Schools

Special Programs Resources 2024-2025

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) / Student Success Team (SST) Process Manual and Forms: