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Student Success Act/Student Investment Account/ESSER 3 Information

Required Public Comment October 2023

Student Investment Account Community Engagement 

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What is the Student Success Act?

A new source of funding for certain categories in our schools. Our district has already received and allocated 1 year’s worth of funding, has a plan for a 2nd year, and is continuing to collaborate with the community to gather input for future years.

What are we gathering community input for?

Information from the community engagement process is used to inform the school district's Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) and Student Investment Account (SIA) funding priorities.

  • BHSD year 1 SIA funding - $400,000 (20-21) in SIA for BHSD was spent on one-time safety and access for all investments
  • BHSD year 2 SIA funding - A projected $1 million in SIA funds for 21-22 will be used to hire for electives (art, music), PE, social-emotional learning supports, infrastructure/safety, student engagement (athletics, activities), and new community priorities.
Where can I learn more?


Last school year, BHSD did a wide range of engagement activities from fall 2019 to Spring 2020 including a community survey, staff and student surveys, collaborative workgroups around key areas (such as SEL, CTE, curriculum alignment, etc.) and focus groups speaking insight from specific communities of learners and their families.

Themes informed strategies and action steps to meet Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) goals:

  • Goal 1: By June 2022, all students will be regular attenders
  • Goal 2: Increase graduation rate to 90%
  • Example strategy: “If we provide interventions to support students’ social emotional well-being, across the district, then staff will implement effective strategies, and students will be ready to engage; achievement and graduation will increase.”


Link to BHSD Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)