2022 Summer Enrichment Activities Guide
2022 Middle School Volleyball Camp
- August 9/10 from 9:00am-11:30 am at BHHS
August 11/12 from 4:00-6:00 pm at BHHS
Campers should attend all four dates - Open: to all students in grades 5-8
- Cost: FREE for Brookings-Harbor students! $100 Fee (Paid for by Summer Enrichment Program)
- Bring: a water bottle, athletic shoes, and volleyball knee pads if you have them
- Coaches: BHHS coaches and HS players (All proceeds go to BHHS VB! We earn $ for each camper who attends)
- This 4-day clinic will offer a combination of fundamental skill development and competitive game play.
- To register: fill out form here
North Coast Jr. Band Camp 2022
Bruin Brother Football Camp
School District Summer Grant Provides Financial Assistance for Swim Lessons
June 2022
Brookings-Harbor School District is again partnering with the City of Brookings to help relieve the financial burden of summer swim lesson registration fees for local families. The funding for this program comes from a portion of the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) Summer Learning Grant awarded to the district for K-8 enrichment activities.
Providing access to swim lessons is important because learning swimming skills can reduce the risk of drowning and improve water safety skills, and swimming is a fun way to stay active and exercise.
To qualify to participate at no cost the child must be entering Kindergarten through 9th grade in Fall 2022, and the lessons must be public group lessons, not private sessions.
To request financial assistance, the adult filling out the form should mark the “Request Financial Assistance” checkbox provided at the top of the Swim Lesson Registration Card when signing up for a session of lessons at the Brookings Pool front desk, located at 1130 Ransom Avenue, Brookings. The City will waive the fee for the session, and the school district will reimburse the city for all applicable swim fees. Financial assistance will be provided for one session of the lessons per child while funds are available
This summer the pool plans to be open until Sept. 2. The remaining swim lesson sessions are Session 2 (July 4-July 15); Session 3 (July 18-July 29); Session 4 (August 1-August 12); and Session 5 (August 15-Sept. 2). The daily schedule includes swimming lessons between 9:30 a.m. and noon and 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
Sign-ups for public group lessons are in-person at the pool front desk and start one week ahead of each session. Without financial assistance, the cost for residents is $60 for each two-week session and $90 for non-residents. To view the weekly schedule of pool activities visit the City website or Brookings Pool facebook page. For information contact 541-469-4711 or [email protected].
To find more information on school district-sponsored summer school programs, camps, free summer meals and more, visit the BHSD website https://www.brookings.k12.or.us/apps/pages/summer.
School District Summer Grant Provides Financial Assistance for Dance Classes

Bruin Fast Program (Completed)
BHSD Athletics & Activities Camps - 2022 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES

Bruin Baseball Summer Camp (Completed)
Bruin Baseball Summer Camp
- Age: Kindergarten - 8th grade
- Date: Monday 7/18 - Thursday 7/21
- Location: BHHS Bruin Baseball Field/Gibney Center
- Times: 9:30am - 12:00pm (check-in 9:00 each day)
- Cost: $100 for all 4 days (All costs paid by BHSD summer funds for school district residents)
Proceeds go to BHHS Baseball - Come workout with the Bruins! We will provide a well structured and fun experience for all ages K-8 in all areas of the game. Camp will be run by our High School Baseball Coaches and Players with help from volunteer parents.
- Please bring: cleats, gloves, baseball attire, tennis shoes for going inside, catcher’s gear, helmet, and bat. Be sure to bring something to drink as well. We will provide all other necessary equipment.
- This will be a fun learning experience for all attendees and a great way to meet many of the 2021 State Champion Bruin Baseball team! Come learn some new skills and train the way the Bruins do!
- Parents/Guardians must fill out a registration form and waiver before the start of the first day of camp. The paperwork will be available at check-in.
- Questions: contact Coach Keith Wallin ([email protected])
Bruin Softball Summer Camp (Completed)
Bruin Softball Summer Camp
- Bruin Softball Summer Camp for 4th, 5th & 6th graders in 2022-23 is Monday and Tuesday, July 18th-19th from 3 to 7 p.m. on the Brookings-Harbor High School softball field (near the corner of Fern Avenue and Easy Street).
- Pitching and catching clinic for 4th through 8th graders will be on Wednesday, July 20th from 3 to 7 p.m.
- Bruin Softball Summer Camp for 7th and 8th graders will be Thursday and Friday, July 21st-22nd from 3-7 p.m.
- Registration is FREE, and sign-up and check-in each day are at the field from 2:30-3 p.m.
- (All costs paid by BHSD summer funds for school district residents - Proceeds go to BHHS Softball - $100 value)
- Bring glove, catcher's gear (if you have), cleats, tennis shoes, bat (if you have), and batting helmet. Dress down in softball pants and layers if the weather is cool or hot.
- Questions: contact Coach Tony Baron ([email protected])
Bruins Track & Field Camp 2022 (Completed)
Bruins Track & Field Camp 2022
- When: 2 to 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1-Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2022
- Where: BHHS track
- Who: For K-8th graders
- Register: Sign-ups at Track before the start of Day 1 or use the online pre-registration form (https://forms.gle/
cYZyFKTo2n675nG79 ). Free for BHSD Residents ($100 registration fee waived. Funding provided by BHSD Summer Grant). All proceeds benefit BHHS Track & Field Team.
- Opportunity to develop skills with a low athlete to coach ratio
- Running games and springs
- Hurdles and relays
- Jumps (Long and High)
- Throws (Shotput, Javelin, Discus)
- Mini Meet (Last Day)
- Proof of Insurance
- Waterbottle
Questions: Contact Head Coach Jason Fulton at 541-661-4865.
Bruin Wrestling Summer Camp (Completed)
Bruin Wrestling Summer Camp
- Age: Kindergarten - 8th grade
- Date: Monday 8/1 - Thursday 8/4
- Location: Azalea Small Gym - Wrestling Room
- Times: Kindergarten - 2nd Grade 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- 3rd Grade - 5th Grade 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- 6th Grade - 8th Grade 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- Cost: $100 (All costs paid by BHSD summer funds for district residents)
- All proceeds go to BHHS Wrestling
- Come workout with the Bruins! We will provide a well structured and fun experience for all ages K-8. Camp will be run by our High School Wrestling Coaches and Players with help from volunteer parents.
- Please bring: Wrestling shoes if you have them (no bare feet), shorts (no jeans or pants), and something to drink.
- This will be a fun learning experience for all attendees! The camp is a great way to improve upon current skills, or to have an introduction to the sport of wrestling.
- Parents/Guardians must fill out a registration form and waiver before the start of the first day of camp. The paperwork will be available at check-in.
- Questions: contact Coach Marco Thorson ([email protected])
Bruin Soccer Camp (Completed)
Bruin Soccer Camp
- When: 9 AM to 12 PM August 2-4, 2022
- Where: 629 Easy St, Brookings.Meet daily at the Gibney Sports Center.
- Who: For boys and girls entering Kindergarten through 8th grade
- Cost/Registration: Free to Brookings and Habor Residents ($100 value - paid by Summer Activity Grant). All proceeds go directly to BHHS Soccer Teams
- Register in-person at the Gibney Sports Center on the first day of camp.
- RSVP by emailing a coach: Contact Coaches Brian Carlson [email protected] or Jess Beaman [email protected] with questions or to reserve a spot for your child.
Brookings-Harbor High School Summer School/Credit Recovery Program
Hello Bruin Families,
I am pleased to announce that Brookings-Harbor High School is once again offering summer school at no cost to you.
9th and 10th grade students may participate in morning and afternoon face-to-face credit recovery for English Language Arts, Math, Spanish, and Art.
11th and 12th grade students may take their courses online with daily support through Google Meets or by visiting BHHS during the morning or afternoon sessions.
We will be holding two summer school sessions on Mondays through Thursdays from June 21st–July 7th and July 11th–July 28th. Students who participate in summer school will be issued a Chromebook to use throughout the program.
To register for summer school please email Emalee Hauck, our summer school director, at [email protected] by June 10th.
Thank you,
DeAnne Varitek, Principal
Brookings Harbor High School
Brookings-Harbor School District Summer Enrichment Activities and Summer Classes

Información en español (Spanish Translation)
Summer Food Program Information

Photos of Menus
Información en español (Spanish Translation)
Community Activities
Some of these activities have a cost or registration fee. Brookings-Harbor School District does not organize these activities and is not responsible for their content or any updates or changes to their offerings. Please see the community organization's website or contact for additional details.