Budget Committee and Budget Information
- January 15, 2025: Regular School Board Meeting First Reading of 2025-2026 Budget Calendar
- February 19, 2025: Regular School Board Meeting, Approve 2025-2026 Budget Calendar
- March 19, 2025: Regular School Board Meeting
- April 16, 2025: Workshop for Training &/or Open Forum 2025-2026 Budget (5 p.m. Kalmiopsis Elementary Room 51)
- April 16, 2025: Regular School Board Meeting
- May 7, 2025 First Publication of Notice of Budget Committee Meeting
- May 14, 2025 Second Publication of Notice on website of Budget Committee Meeting
- May 20, 2025 First Budget Committee Meeting (5:30 p.m. Kalmiopsis Elementary Room 51)
- May 27, 2025 Possible Second Budget Committee Meeting (5:30 p.m. Kalmiopsis Elementary Room 51)
- June 4, 2025 Publish Notice of Budget Hearing, Fund Summaries Not Requiring Tax, and Fund Summaries Requiring Tax.
- June 18, 2025 Regular School Board Meeting, Including Public Hearing on Budget and Action to Adopt Budget, Appropriate and Categorize Funds, and Levy Taxes
- July 15, 2025 Deadline for Certifying Levy to Assessor
Brookings-Harbor School District Appointed Citizen Budget Committee Members
- Dona Dotson June 30, 2025
- Nathan Hanscam June 30, 2026
- Kelsey Bozeman June 30, 2025
- DeAnne Varitek June 30, 2026
- Sonya Billington June 30, 2026
Elected School Board Budget Committee Members
- Jay Trost (Chair) June 30, 2027
- Trish Walker (Vice Chair) June 30, 2027
- Katherine Johnson June 30, 2025
- Janece Payne June 30, 2025
- Alan Nidiffer June 30, 2025
Budget Committee Policy (DBEA)
By law, the budget committee is charged with making recommendations concerning financial priorities. The budget committee will have the responsibility of reviewing the financial program of the district, reviewing the proposed district budget as presented by the superintendent and recommending an annual or biennial district budget in keeping with the provisions of applicable state laws. Educational policy decisions, however, are the responsibility of the Board, not the budget committee.
The committee does not have the authority to add programs or to approve additional personnel or increased salaries. While the committee may, in effect, delete programs because of a fund decrease in arriving at a levy figure, the committee is charged primarily with a fiscal evaluation of programs.
The committee may, alternatively, set an amount that changes the recommended budget and may request the administration make such changes in accordance with priorities set by the Board.
The budget committee consists of five members appointed by the Board plus the elected Board members. To be eligible for appointment, the appointive member must:
1. Live and be registered to vote in the district;
2. Not be an officer, agent or employee of the district.
No budget committee member may receive any type of compensation from the district.
At its first meeting in July the Board will identify vacant budget committee positions which must be filled by appointment of the Board. The Board will announce the vacancies and establish a date by which applications may be received. Such applications will include a signed statement that the applicant is willing to serve as a member of the budget committee and to adhere to the policies of the district. The Board may appoint budget committee members to as many consecutive terms as deemed appropriate.
At the first regular Board meeting in September, the Board will review the names of persons filing applications and names of those persons who have served previously and are willing to be reappointed. At the first regular meeting in October, the Board will appoint persons to fill the vacant positions. The appointive committee members of a budget committee in a district that prepares an annual budget will be appointed for three-year terms. The terms will be staggered so that, as near as practicable, one-third of the appointive members’ terms end each year. Appointive members of a budget committee in a district that prepares a biennial budget shall be appointed to four-year terms. The terms shall be staggered so that as near as practicable, one-fourth of the terms of the appointive members expire each year. If any appointive member is unable to complete the term for which he/she was appointed, the Board will announce the vacancy at the first regular Board meeting following the committee member’s resignation or removal. An appointment to fill the position for its unexpired term will be made at the next regular Board meeting.
At its first meeting after appointment, the budget committee will elect a presiding officer from among its members. It may also establish other ground rules as necessary for successful operation of the committee. A majority of the constituted committee is required for passing an action item. Majority for a 10-member budget committee is 6. Therefore, if only 6 members are present, a unanimous vote is needed for passing an action.
The budget committee shall hold one or more meetings to receive the budget message, receive the budget document and to provide members of the public with an opportunity to ask questions about and comment on the budget document. The budget officer shall announce the time and place for all meetings, as provided by law. All meetings of the budget committee are open to the public. The budget committee may request from the superintendent or business manager any information used in the preparation of or for use in revising the budget document. The committee may request the attendance of any district employee at its meetings. The budget committee will approve the budget document as submitted by the superintendent or as subsequently revised by the committee. After approval of the original or revised budget document, the budget committee’s duties cease. The hearing on the approved budget is held by the Board and budget committee are encouraged to attend.
Enter your text hBy state law and district policy, School District Budget Committee members must meet three criteria:
1) Live within the geographic boundaries of District 17-C
2) Be a registered voter in the State of Oregon.
3) NOT be an employee or agent of District 17-Cere...
1) Live within the geographic boundaries of District 17-C
2) Be a registered voter in the State of Oregon.
3) NOT be an employee or agent of District 17-Cere...
Official Budget Documents
Official Financial Audit Documents